The New York Herald's weather forecast was right on the mark. Clear skies and pleasant temperatures around 70 degrees -- a perfect setting for Memorial Day in the nation's largest city.
Navigazione Generale Italiana's "Lazio"
High school choruses sang "Nearer, My God, To Thee" and "America" as warships in the Hudson River fired a twenty-one gun salute honoring the veterans. The day was filled with activity throughout the city of over four million inhabitants. There were multiple parades, band concerts, family gatherings, the season opening of Manhattan Beach, and numerous sporting events including a double-header at Hilltop Park as the New York Highlanders (later to officially become the "Yankees") hosted the Washington Nationals (New York won both games, by the way).
As the celebrations took place on this fine spring day, ships filled with immigrants steamed into New York Harbor bound for Ellis Island, just as they had for the past dozen years. Aboard the SS Lazio, more than 2,600 passengers from Sicily and southern Italy were about to start a new life in America. Francesca Malatino's journey began three weeks earlier as she boarded the ship in Napoli with her younger brother Giovanni, 13, and her nephew Carmelo Malatino, 16. Years later, Francesca would recall the inclement weather and bad food she encountered on that crowded voyage to the United States. Perhaps the most daunting part of her arrival in New York was waiting in the claiming area for her brother Salvatore, who was a full day late (and on crutches) due to an accident the previous day. Difficulties of the journey notwithstanding, Francesca was now in the country she would call home for the next eight decades.
A timeline of events and documents...
Francesca was born in Francavilla, Sicily, in June of 1885 -- the daughter of Giuseppe Malatino and Maria Bennardo.
1885 birth record from Francavilla, Sicily
Francesca arrived at Ellis Island on May 30, 1906 with her brother Giovanni and nephew Carmelo (lines 168, 169 and 179).
1906 Ellis Island manifest for SS Lazio
On December 2, 1914 Francesca Malatino married Buonaventura Siragusa at the Church of the Transfiguration in New York City.
1914 New York City marriage certificate
Francesca's daughter Nancy wrote of the move from New York City to Watertown, at the suggestion of Francesca's brother Salvatore (Sam):
It's unclear exactly when Francesca and Buonaventura moved from New York City to Watertown, but around 1917 is the best guess at this point. Even though there is a 1912 listing in a Watertown Directory with them living at the 138 Ash Street home of her brother Salvatore Malatino, we do know that they were married in 1914 in New York City, resided on Monroe Street in Manhattan in the 1915 New York State Census and their son Joseph was born in the city in 1915. It's possible that they did move to Watertown for a short time, or perhaps just Francesca lived with her brother for a period of time.
1912 Watertown City Directory, page 393
On August 24, 1921, Francesca's husband Buonaventura passed away at their Palmer Street home in Watertown after a long illness. He is buried in the Arsenal Street Cemetery just steps from the sidewalk near the corner of Arsenal and Willow.
Five months after the death of Buonaventura, Francesca, now 36 years old, married widower Andrea (Andrew) Scudera. They would have three children together: Santo, Michael and Carmen.
1922 Jefferson County marriage record
The Scudera/Siragusa family at 171 Palmer Steet in Watertown: Andy, Francis, Nancy, Joseph, Benjamin, Samuel and Carmen. Their youngest son Michael died the year before at age 5. Note the misspelling of the last name by the census taker (Scudino).
1930 Census, Palmer Street, Watertown, NY
In 1940, sons Sammy, Carmen and Benny remain at the Palmer Street home. The following year, in November 1941, Andrea was arrested for assault and sentenced to 10 months in jail -- he would end up spending the rest of his life in the St. Lawrence State Hospital in Ogdensburg, New York.
1940 Census, Palmer Street, Watertown (beginning line 38)
By 1950, a 64 year old Frances is now living alone at 171 Palmer. Her children are all close by -- Nancy just down the street, Joseph, Benny and Sam on Arsenal Street. Note the marriage designation as widow.
1950 Census, Palmer Street, Watertown
At the age of 70, and 49 years after passing through the halls of Ellis Island, Francesca Malatino officially became a citizen of the United States of America.
1955 Certificate of Naturalization
On February 12, 1963, Andrea Scudera died at the hospital in Ogdensburg, where he had been a patient for the past 21 years.
1963 Obituary, Watertown Daily Times
Francesca Malatino Siragusa Scudera died at the age 101 on December 1, 1986 at the Madonna Home in Watertown. She was survived by 3 children, 16 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren.
1986 Obituary, Watertown Daily Times
Glenwood Cemetery, Watertown, New York