Born in June 1847 in Santa Caterina Villarmosa to Giuseppe Dellutri and Calogera Ianello.
June 21, 1847 church baptism record of Giuseppe Dellutri from Santa Caterina Villarmosa, Sicily
Marriage of Giuseppe Dell'Utri and Pasquala Gangi
Possbile arrival in United States. A Giuseppe Dellutri from Santa Caterina, age 46, arrived at Ellis Island in April 1893 aboard the Entella. It's difficult to confirm this is the correct person as these early manifests have limited information.
On April 19, 1901, Pasquala Gangi and her daughter Maria Dell'Utri arrived at Ellis Island en route to Giuseppe, then living on Mulberry Street in Manhattan. Their destination on the ship's manifest read:
Pasquala Gangi and Maria Calogera Dellutri (lines 15-16) arrival at Ellis Island, 1901
Carmelo (1875-1961) • Calogero (1880-1929) • Maria (1883-?)